Woodlands Consulting and Therapy Ltd offers a range of assessments and therapy services to children, adolescents and adults. Dr Marilyn Sher sometimes accepts people with private health insurance. Please ensure the enquiry includes information on insurance provider if seeking to pay via health insurance.
People can often experience a range of difficulties that may feel overwhelming and may be impacting on various areas of life. Woodlands Consulting and Therapy will undertake a comprehensive assessment whereby current difficulties are explored and considered within the context of one’s life experiences, relationships, abilities and cultural background. Using this information a formulation is jointly produced between the client and the therapist, which enhances understanding of how problems may have arisen and what maintains them.
Woodlands Consulting and Therapy Ltd offers a range of assessments and therapy services to children, adolescents and adults, and Marilyn Sher is registered with all the main private healthcare insurers, such as BUPA, AXA PPP, AVIVA and Vitality Health.
People can often experience a range of difficulties that may feel overwhelming and may be impacting on various areas of life. Woodlands Consulting and Therapy will undertake a comprehensive assessment whereby current difficulties are explored and considered within the context of one’s life experiences, relationships, abilities and cultural background. Using this information a formulation is jointly produced between the client and the therapist, which enhances understanding of how problems may have arisen and what maintains them.
Options for the type of therapy model to be used are then explored based on a clients specific needs. Psychologists are trained to use a range of therapies and will tailor interventions to individual need. Marilyn Sher uses a range of models, but predominantly draws on CAT, CBT, EMDR, DBT and ACT.
Sessions are generally held on a weekly or fortnightly basis, in-person or online using Skype or Zoom.

The following are examples of some of the difficulties that psychological therapy may help:
Marilyn also has a background in neurodevelopmental difficulties. A range of assessments and consultations are available in this area. Examples include assessments of cognitive abilities, daily living skills, memory and functional analysis of challenging behaviours.
Woodlands Consulting and Therapy also undertakes comprehensive autism and adhd assessments with children and adults.